Diary of a Stillborn Grant Baby - By Dwight Jenkins
Following is simply a cut and paste from various sources available on the Internet regarding the origins of our sewer fiasco, from inception at a Town Board meeting in 2008 to the latest official announcement from the Water and Sewer Authority. The plan all along? Build a SEWER BYPASS to have the County handle some/all of our sewage so that we could expand business while operating more efficiently, saving the taxpayers money. The next report will show, from FOIL requests, where some of that money has gone. I think you will be as saddened and surprised as I was. If it's too much to read, go back to your coloring books...
From the 12/10/08 Town Board Meeting:
104-2008 Authorization to Negotiate a Joint Municipal Agreement to Share Sewer Services and to Apply for State Financial Assistance
WHEREAS, The Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority has entered into a service agreement, an operating agreement and certain lease agreements with the Town of East Greenbush to finance and provide water and sewer infrastructure improvements benefiting both the Town of East Greenbush and the City of Rensselaer; and
WHEREAS, on or about June 26, 2008, $8,005,000 in Water Service bonds and $6,555,000 in Sewer Service bonds were issued by the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority to provide capital construction funds for such improvements; and
WHEREAS, a major component of the sewerage facilities is the construction of a by-pass line which will take up to a maximum of one million gallons per day and a minimum of 500,000 gallons per day of untreated sewerage overflow from the Town wastewater treatment plant which is operating at near full capacity and potentially re-direct it to the sewer treatment plant owned and operated by the Rensselaer County Sewer District; and
WHEREAS, the Town of East Greenbush and Rensselaer County Sewer District (RCSD) are intending to enter into an agreement where a portion of wastewater now collected by the Town will be discharged to County treatment facilities as aforementioned to lessen the burden of wastewater loadings at the existing Town wastewater treatment plant, and
WHEREAS, the New York Department of State is seeking applications for funding for the Shared Municipal Services Incentive grant program that seeks to have communities share services in order to improve government efficiency and provide cost savings, and
WHEREAS, New York State funding is available (up to approximately $400,000) to encourage and assist consolidations and municipal sharing initiatives such as this through the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program and the application for such funding requires a statement by the Town of East Greenbush and by Rensselaer County of its support for the sharing initiative; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board recognizes the steps already taken by the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority and the Town of East Greenbush to provide capital funding needed to construct a by-pass line and associated monitoring equipment and the ongoing discussions between the County Sewer District #1 and the Town of East Greenbush to create the framework for a workable joint municipal agreement to implement a sharing of sewer services; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of East Greenbush is authorized to pursue a joint municipal agreement with the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority and the Rensselaer County Sewer District #1 with the objectives of achieving cost effective improvements to the delivery of service, benefits to the ratepayers of the Town of East Greenbush and the residents of Rensselaer County, and reduced combined sewer overflow to the Hudson River; and that the Town of East Greenbush is authorized to apply for State funding to support this initiative with the aforementioned entities; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of East Greenbush, subject to the cooperation of the Rensselaer County Sewer District, hereby authorizes the Supervisor to apply to the Shared Municipal Services Incentive Grant and for the Supervisor to sign all necessary documents to effect this grant application on behalf of the Town of East Greenbush. There is a ten percent local match and of this the Town of East Greenbush will provide this amount from its service funds so as to pay its percentage to meet the local match requirement.
The foregoing Resolution was duly moved by Supervisor McCabe and
seconded by Councilperson Danaher and brought to a vote resulting as follows:
From the 1/14/09 Town Board Meeting:
Resolution to apply for local government efficiency grant funding
WHEREAS, the Town of East Greenbush, as Lead Applicant, and the City of Troy, the City of Rensselaer, the Town of North Greenbush, the Town of Schodack and the Town of Sand Lake, as Co-Applicants, are in mutual support of submitting a Local Government Efficiency Grant Program application to the New York State Department of State, Division of Local Government Services for the 2008 - 2009 program year; and
WHEREAS, the respective responsibilities of the lead applicant and the co-applicants are enumerated in the grant application; and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned municipalities have previously formed a consortium and successfully developed a shared Assessment Information System (AIS) to provide assessment and parcel level data to the six participating municipal departments and to the public via the Web; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the grant application is to create additional operational efficiencies and further reduce municipal costs through the funding of carefully considered enhancements to the AIS; and
WHEREAS, the project title shall be the “Assessment Information System Enhancement Project”; and
WHEREAS, the Town designates Susan F. McCarthy, Assessor for the Town of East Greenbush as contact person for the Town, with responsibility for attending project meetings, furnishing all necessary information to the Town of East Greenbush and informing the Town (City) Council regarding the project’s schedule and progress; and
WHEREAS, the “amount of grant requested” will not exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00); and (* It's actually $400,000)
WHEREAS, the “local share,” in dollars, of a successfully funded Local Government Efficiency Grant Program application shall be a ten percent (10%) cash match of the grant award; and
WHEREAS, the Town of East Greenbush, the City of Troy, the City of Rensselaer, the Town of North Greenbush, the Town of Schodack and the Town of Sand Lake, will each contribute one-sixth of the 10% match (1.667% ); now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of East Greenbush authorizes the Supervisor to submit an application, as a co-applicant, for funding not to exceed $200,000 to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program and to execute all financial and administrative processes relating to the grant; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of East Greenbush will commit one-sixth of the required 10% local share, an amount not to exceed $3,333.33, from its general revenues, towards the local project share.
The foregoing Resolution was duly moved by Councilperson Cristo and
seconded by Councilperson Kennedy and brought to a vote resulting as follows:
July 8, 2009
Projects to Consolidate and Share Services to Save $105 Million Across the State
Governor David A. Paterson today announced the award of more than $1.4 million in Local Government Efficiency (LGE) program grants for the Capital Region. The LGE awards support projects that consolidate local government services to eliminate waste, make operations more effective and reduce costs. The Capital Region was awarded four grants that total $1.48 million and are expected to save area taxpayers more than $7 million over ten years.
“At a time of fiscal crisis, it is essential that we continue working to make New York more affordable for businesses and families. We need to reduce the property tax burden, and one way to do that is to modernize the delivery of local government services,” Governor Paterson said. “The Local Government Efficiency Grant Program helps municipalities to invest in their future savings, consolidating services to reduce waste and improve operations. These shared-service programs are an effective cost-saving measure that helps us build sustainable, high-quality services that will benefit communities across the State.”
Secretary of State Cortés-Vázquez said: “In this difficult time for all Americans, reducing expenses is as important on the State and local municipal level as it is for every household. Now, more than ever, New Yorkers must work together and support one another as we build a better, stronger future. Whether through the sharing of services or through consolidation, local municipalities continue to spend effectively to help control the rising cost of property taxes. These Local Government Efficiency grants will help New York’s local governments continue to find ways to become even more efficient and to effect the changes to help lower costs and lessen rising property taxes.”
More than $10 million will be distributed to 63 grant recipients across the State. New York’s taxpayers are projected to save $105 million. The LGE Program, which began in 2005, has already awarded $29 million in grants and is expected to produce an estimated savings of more than $250 million.
The announcement of the LGE grants is latest in a series of measures the Governor has taken to lower the cost of government, a priority of his Administration. Last month, he announced the creation of the Office of Taxpayer Accountability to manage efforts that reduce waste and find efficiencies in State and local government. The Governor also signed the New York Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act to establish procedures for the consolidation and dissolution of local governments. Through these commitments, the Governor has applied administrative and legislative tools that will help to decrease spending, achieve reform and reduce property taxes.
“Our property taxes have skyrocketed to levels that discourage residents and businesses. True economic recovery will address the fiscal challenges we now face, but must also establish new standards that ensure we manage our spending at all levels of government, so as not to burden the people who work to make New York the Empire State,” Governor Paterson added.
Capital Region Local Government Efficiency Grant Recipients:
$400,000 for the Town of East Greenbush, in cooperation with Rensselaer County, to create a joint municipal agreement to authorize the sharing of sewer services and develop the engineering and design specifications for the development of appropriate inter-municipal connections. (* For a connection, not an expansion.)
For more information and a complete list of the grant awards, please visit Department of State website at http://www.dos.state.ny.us.
The following quotes were provided in support of the Local Government Efficiency grants:
Senator Neil Breslin said: “During these difficult economic times it is important that we find ways to reduce government costs. This government efficiency grant will help reduce our local tax burden while making government services more efficient."
Assembly Majority Leader Ron Canestrari said: “Property taxpayers and businesses in the Town of East Greenbush will benefit in the years to come from the sharing of waste water services with Rensselaer County. This will hopefully avoid tax increases for people who are already stretched thin by the economic recession. I am thankful for this efficiency grant and hopeful that it will encourage greater consolidation of services where possible throughout New York.”
Chairman of the Rensselaer Water and Sewer Authority (RCWSA) and Executive Director of the Rensselaer County Office of Economic Development and Planning Robert Pasinella, Jr. said: "It is more important than ever that local governments join forces to wisely spend scarce tax dollars to improve public services. The award of the Department of State Grant of $400,000 to supplement nearly $1 million in bond revenues issued by the RCWSA to build a Wastewater Bypass Line will save East Greenbush Taxpayers nearly $2.3 million, generate additional operating revenues for the County Sewer District and enable continued economic growth in the County. Governor Paterson, Secretary of State Cortés-Vázquez, Supervisor McCabe, the Rensselaer County Legislature and County Executive Jimino deserve our thanks and praise for moving this initiative forward."
Town of East Greenbush Supervisor Rick McCabe said: "We are excited to receive this grant that will enable Rensselaer County and the Town of East Greenbush to establish an intermunicipal agreement, where the County will share available waste water treatment capacity with the Town. Both the County and Town will benefit from this shared approach of municipal services. The County will benefit from additional revenues due to future anticipated residential, commercial, and industrial growth that would otherwise not occur due to the limited municipal service capacity presently available in the Town."
Ruth Noemí Colón
Dear Colleague,
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the 2009-2010 Annual Report for the Local Government Efficiency (LGE) program. In the report you will read how our local government partners are proving that the cost of pro- viding public services can be lowered through more efficient government, easing the impact of property taxes on community residents. This document is a tribute to their hard work and commitment.
The goal of the LGE program is to help local government leaders lower local government costs and increase efficiency of service delivery. This past year has been especially active as we are seeing a greater willingness to consider new models of governance and service delivery. New York State residents continue to make it clear that they are no longer willing to bear the cost of inefficient or duplicative services at any level of government. The “New N.Y. Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act” that became effective in March is a manifestation of this opposition. In response, the pressure on local leaders to meet these demands for action is high and the Department of State remains committed to help.
This report documents the positive effect that LGE projects are having in our communities. In fact, average household savings equals 4.6% of local government taxes and the annual rate of return on grant dollars is 89% -- a prudent investment of public funds. The Department of State looks forward to the continued success of the LGE program and to implementing new partnerships with local government and other community lead- ers. By working together we will meet the economic challenges of our time and emerge a stronger and more vital New York. (* We were blessed to make an appearance in this report! See the below quote:)
"Challenges imposed by changing demographics and aging infrastructure make intermunicipal and regional collaboration an attractive option. The Department of State is helping the Town of East Greenbush connect its sewage treatment plant, which is operating at full capacity and under a consent order, to the Rensselaer County plant, which is operating at only 60% of capacity. The grant will help to develop a joint municipal agreement needed to authorize the sharing of sewer services and offset some of the engineering and design costs of the connecting line. "
http://www.dos.ny.gov/lg/lge/projects.html (revised 11/29/11)
Town of East Greenbush - $400,000.00 Status: 50% Complete
The Town of East Greenbush is building a sewer line connecting the East Greenbush plant to the County Sewer District at a capital cost nearly $3 million less than an expansion of their existing plant.
(* Notice the above cost analysis from the Dept. of State web site. "$3 million less than an expansion..." And yet the Town Engineer was quoted as telling Times Union reporter Brian Nearing that it would actually cost MORE to do the sewer line connection: "Another potential option, to hook up the town system to the larger Rensselaer County sewer system, has been deemed too expensive at this time," Benko said. "It is more beneficial to do our improvements from within," he said. (More beneficial for who????)
Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority 2011 Annual Report
John J. Bonesteel, Chief Executive Officer Robert Hotz, Chief Financial Officer
John Fetscher, Secretary
Philip H. Dixon, Authority Counsel
Henry V. LaBarba, P.E., Authority Consulting Engineer
February 2012
Robert Pasinella, Jr., Chairman G. Jeffrey Haber. Vice Chairman Kenneth M. Harting, Treasurer John Mooney Edward J. Patanian
On June 26, 2008, the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority (RCWSA) closed on an $8,005,000 Water Service Bond Issue and a $6,555,000 Sewer Service Bond Issue to fund sewer projects in the Town of East Greenbush and water projects in the Joint Water District, consisting of East Greenbush and the City of Rensselaer. By the end of 2010 a total of $6,077,592 was disbursed on water projects and $2,682,963 on sewer projects. During 2011, an additional $1,384,577 was spent on water facilities and $344,451 on sewer projects. Debt service reserves of $497,705 and $408,458 are maintained for water and sewer bonds, respectively. Of the amounts available for construction costs, nearly all of water service bond funds have been spent or committed, while nearly half of the sewer service bond funds have been spent or committed. Major sewer project initiatives to be commenced in 2012 include construction of the sewer interceptor line with the cooperation of the Rensselaer County Sewer District No. 1 and the City of Rensselaer; pump station improvement projects in the Town of East Greenbush; and additional infiltration and inflow reduction initiatives in the Town.
In 2011 the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority (RCWSA) continued its work on the water and sewer facilities serving the Town of East Greenbush and the City of Rensselaer. The second of two five million gallon water tanks serving the Joint Water District was completed, along with upgrades to the Cross Street Pump Station. The upgrades included replacement of the pump drives at Cross Street with highly efficient variable speed drives, utilizing savings realized from other water projects, which will reduce future operating costs at the pump station. The RCWSA also assisted the Town of East Greenbush by redirecting the Town’s water line along Route 4 to allow for the construction of a NYS Department of Transportation supported roundabout at the Couse Corners intersection.
On the sewer facility side, the focus shifted to increasing capacity of the Town’s waste water treatment system. In 2009, the RCWSA, in conjunction with the Town of East Greenbush and Rensselaer County Sewer District No. 1, applied for and received a $400,000 Local Government Efficiency Grant from the Department of State to implement a joint municipal wastewater diversion project to be constructed using the RCWSA’s Sewer Service bonds. Planning and design moved forward in the 2011 with the contingent transfer of a section of sewer line by the City of Rensselaer to the Authority. In 2010 the Authority acquired necessary easements and a parcel of New York State Department of Transportation property for the sewer interceptor line in the City of Rensselaer. Current plans call for the proposed line to carry up to five million gallons a day to the Rensselaer County Sewer District No. 1. This will provide excess capacity for future growth in the Town and its neighbors and take full advantage of current construction cost savings and efficiencies. The County Sewer District will also benefit by having a new dependable revenue source to replace the amounts previously paid by BASF. Draft inter-municipal agreements and necessary changes to the Town’s waste treatment code have been completed. In the area of infiltration and inflow mitigation, the RCWSA and Town completed manhole rehabilitation and sanitary sewer replacement where severe pipe deterioration was found and have instituted other inflow and infiltration initiatives, such as the residential sump pump program to reduce discharges of ground water into the waste stream.
Sewer line rehabilitation projects will continue to be undertaken to address the compliance schedule in the Town’s NYSDEC consent order. The replacement of aged and worn sewage pumping station will continue with one planned for 2012.
The Authority also owns the Pheasant Run sewer system, a fifteen unit system in the Town of Schodack. The Authority collects $600.00 per year per unit for its maintenance expenses. In 2011, The Authority and the Bond Trustee, Wells Fargo, continued to invest idle bond proceeds in government-backed money market funds due to the volatility in the financial markets. Bond principal payments totaling of $145,000 ($80,000 for water bonds and $65,000 for sewer bonds) were made on September 1, 2011. Interest earned on Water and Sewer Service Bonds totaled $172.74 and $434.32, respectively, for the year, reflecting the spend-down on project costs and low prevailing interest rates.
The following is a chronological account of the RCWSA’s accomplishments and operations during calendar 2011.
January, February - Water System Projects - Tank No. 2 work is complete. The only remaining tasks will be to release the retainage and issue a change order for credit from the leftover allowance amount. Concerning the other two remaining contracts, (Lashway and J&J Sass), the contract with J&J Sass Electric is now complete. Delaware Engineering has provided a final payment application and related paper work. The RCWSA has been asked by the Town of East Greenbush to assist in the Couse Corners Roundabout transportation project by financing the replacement of the existing water main at that intersection. The NYSDOT grant for the roundabout did not include adequate funds for about 600 feet of water main that will be situated under the roundabout. The Town and its water department are concerned that during and after new road construction the main will be vulnerable to breaks due to age and condition. The road design consultant CME has prepared a base plan showing the needed water main, valves and appurtenances. CME has prepared a cost estimate range of around $ $450,000.
Wastewater Projects - CDM has commenced design of the sewer interceptor line. The Town will be meeting to decide what additional construction is needed at the plant to accommodate the preliminary treatment of wastewater before it is bypassed to the County Sewer District No 1. A budget is being prepared to enable the Town to make a decision on what facilities are needed and if they can be financed through the remaining bond funds. We have met with the Town and officials to determine to what extend we need to replace influent grit removal systems and screens. It was determined that CDM can install the bypass structure and flow measurement facilities adjacent to the existing influent structure at the Town’s treatment plant. The Town is requesting that the Authority authorize payment for a fence to encompass a new storm water retention area constructed to relieve Infiltration and Inflow issues in Clinton Park.
March, April – Water system Projects – Cost estimates for the Couse Corners water main project appear to be closer to $400,000 which will fit within the remaining uncommitted water bond funds.
Wastewater Projects - Planning and preliminary design of the sump pump project is underway. It is not expected that any construction will commence until the summer. Public input and meetings are required initially.
May, June – Water System Projects - The Contract with Prelode for the new water tanks is closed. Construction of the Couse Corners water main project started on Monday June 6. A preconstruction meeting was held on May 29th with the Town, contractor, engineers, and DOT present. The Town will utilize its own inspection services, with oversight from HV LaBarba and CME to reduce bonded project costs.
Wastewater Projects - In early May, the Authority dealt with a sewer blockage and discharge issue discovered in a remote section of North Greenbush along the Valley View Blvd. line that was caused by construction debris clogging the line. The RCWSA remediated the area surrounding the discharge and instituted an inspection plan. Meetings are scheduled to be held with representatives of the County Legislature regarding the Sewer Interceptor Project. Attorneys from all parties, including the RCWSA, Town of East Greenbush and the County Sewer District will also be meeting soon to discuss the Joint Municipal Agreement associated with the project. As part of the sump pump elimination project, the Town constructed a large storm water detention area to handle peak flows from Sherwood Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue, where the sump project will discharge. The Town solicited three quotes to install a fence surrounding the detention area, which is about 1⁄2 acre and about 12 feet deep, for safety concerns. The low bidder was AFSCO Fence Supply Co.
July, August - Water System Projects – Drives have arrived at the Cross St station and are being installed by O’Connell Electric. The new VFD units are in place. This system will generate a significant energy cost savings through its efficiency. The pumps can now also run at higher than previous pumping rates. Couse Corners Roundabout construction is in its final stages. The new 30 inch main is in place and only minor site work remains.
Wastewater Projects – The City of Rensselaer passed a resolution relinquishing sewer ownership along a section of sewer line to the RCWSA, which was needed to complete the sewer interceptor line through the City of Rensselaer to connect to the County Sewer District main. The Town and the RCWSA made a presentation to the County Legislature on the status of the project. It was determined that the parties will need EPA approval of the Joint Municipal Agreement. The Hampton Manor sewer project is complete. Manhole rehabilitation work is also complete. We have received a request for release of retainage from Talham, Inc., which will close out this project. As a results of the planning and design efforts, a good percentage of the homeowners in the study have disconnected sump pumps from entering the sewer lines and those remaining can be serviced by storm sewers already in place. The Massachusetts Avenue sump pump elimination project will be the first of its kind in the Town and will provide direction to other areas of similar need. As part of the sump pump elimination project, the Town constructed a large storm water detention area to handle peak flows from Sherwood Avenue, including Massachusetts Avenue, where the sump project will discharge. The fence surrounding the detention area is complete.
September, October - Water System Projects – It was necessary to update and rewire the new pump drive controls to allow the City of Troy to remotely operate the pumps as needed.
Wastewater Projects – The Town is preparing an Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Plan for its presentation to NYSDEC regarding its consent order.
November, December - Water System Projects – There are two small on-going projects at the Cross Street Station, one involves ECI, the Contractor used by the Authority for the Joint Water System for tank monitoring and pump station control, to upgrade the control system. The estimated cost is around $25,275. The second contract is with JP Industrial to deactivate the old control valves ($480).
Wastewater Projects – CDM has nearly completed the final plans for the sewer interceptor. The Town met with NYSDEC to discuss its Consent Order, which terminates in March 2012. The following items were discussed: 1) the need for the Town and County to come to an accord for the Town to complete the sewer interconnection to the Rensselaer County Sewer District and the necessary intermunicipal agreement, 2) other options the Town has to satisfy DEC and the terms of the Consent Order concerning the treatment plants SPDES violations, and 3) ongoing Inflow and Infiltration issues. As a result of this meeting the Town has to submit to DEC a request to modify the Consent Order.The request included the following;
1) A revised time schedule for possible agreement with the County for an intermunicipal connection.
2) An alternate plan on how the Town will prevent future SPDES treatment violations by modifying or rehabilitating the existing waste water treatment plant.
3) A revised schedule to complete sump pump work and sewer rehabilitation on various projects in the Town ( Mass Ave & Sherwood) during 2012,
4) A plan to further monitor and control peak flows at the Corlis pump station and
5) A plan to replace and modify the Hideaway pump station to prevent flooding and
stream contamination.
These projects will become the RCWSA’s focal points for design and construction to be completed in 2012.
Board Members
Robert Pasinella, Jr., Chairman - Mr. Pasinella is the Director of the Rensselaer County Office of Economic Development and Planning, as well as the Executive Director of the Rensselaer County Industrial Development Agency.
G. Jeffrey Haber. Vice Chairman - Mr. Haber is the Executive Director of the New York State Association of Towns and is the former Supervisor of the Town of the Town of Schodack.
Kenneth M. Harting, Treasurer – Mr. Harting is the former supervisor of the Town of East Greenbush’s water system for the Department of Public Works and is the operator of a number of small private water systems in Rensselaer County.
John Mooney – Mr. Mooney is a licensed real estate broker with Realty USA and the President of the Rensselaer City School District Board of Education.
Edward J. Patanian – Mr. Patanian is a builder/developer in Sand Lake, the owner/broker of Patanian Realty and EJP, Inc., a former CDRPC Commissioner and SLBA President, and is active on many other government committees.
POST-MORTEM: the grant baby was stillborn after so many good wishes and so many gifts. Then again, maybe there never really WAS a plan to deliver this baby? The latest update from the Water and Sewer is below is below:
Town of East Greenbush
Capital Improvement Projects
Project Status Report and Meeting Agenda Items
From: H. V. LaBarba, PE
Consultant to the Authority
August 7, 2012
1. Intermunicipal Sewer – Status
In summary of some of the important actions to date:
• The Town has a final plan approved by DEC concerning improvements to its wastewater system, including pump station upgrades, continued Inflow and Infiltration reduction and plant upgrading. The sewer connection with the County is not a dead issue and it could (sic) available if the Town finds its (sic) needs additional capacity for future growth. The County has sent the Town a letter to this affect. For now there will be a hold on any further work with finalizing the bypass sewer design. By late fall the Town will know if it should continue with this option of a connection to the County.
Actions to be taken:
None at this time