From the Times Union, July 11, 2014:
"Several months ago, when representatives of
Gaming and Raceway first met with town officials to discuss the possibility
of locating a casino in East Greenbush, two decisions were made, one of which
may eventually prove fatal to their application.
The first decision was to treat the East Greenbush
project as an elaborate public relations effort. In this public relations
campaign, the firm turned to SKG Knickerbocker, a Washington-based
communications firm with a specialty in political campaigns. Not surprisingly,
the East Greenbush casino effort bore strong
similarities to the political campaigns we are inundated with every fall.
Newspaper, TV and radio ads were placed, slick fliers were mailed, lawn signs
distributed and news releases were issued, all aimed at giving the project a
positive "spin."
The casino strategy also called for downplaying any negative information.
This led to the second, and potentially fatal, decision to minimize public
input and delay starting review of the project under the State Environmental
Quality Review Act.
As the casino proponents may soon learn, the strategies that work in a
political campaign for state Legislature are very different from the strategies
that are required to convince a skeptical community to accept a large and
complex change in their town.
Through the SEQR process, a structure is provided for town officials,
developers and members of the community to identify potential environmental
impacts, analyze their magnitude and develop plans to mitigate any adverse
impacts. However, instead of starting this dialogue between the developers and
local citizens, the town board first tried to slip through without public input
a generic resolution supporting a casino. When the state rejected this
approach, the town board passed a site-specific resolution without even
starting the SEQR process.
It is safe to say there are significant environmental issues with the
Saratoga Gaming and Raceway proposal. The proposed site for a casino and
multi-story hotel is on a parcel over an aquifer, containing federal wetlands,
adjacent to a Girl Scout camp, near an elementary school, zoned for low-density
residential use and on a narrow residential street that dumps traffic onto an
already congested section of state Route 4. Wastewater is planned to be treated
at a plant that currently operates under a consent order from the state
of Environmental Conservation. Converting open fields to parking lots and
rooftops will generate storm water that could inundate residences, shopping
centers and neighboring communities. Police, fire, EMT and social service
agencies can also expect to be impacted.
Saratoga Gaming and Raceway's reaction to all this could be seen in the
response by its spokesman, Morgan Hook, to a lawsuit filed by a group of East
Greenbush residents over the town board's failure to do a SEQR review of the
casino project. Hook, a senior vice president of SKD Knickerbocker and a former
press officer for Gov.
Spitzer, displayed an arrogance reminiscent of his former boss as he
dismissed the lawsuit as "silly and meritless."
Fortunately, it will be up to the courts, not Hook, to determine the
validity of the complex environmental issues in this case and the need for a
SEQR review.
Meanwhile, if the
Gaming Facilities Location Board allows the
Greenbush Town Board and Saratoga Gaming and Raceway to get away with
replacing the SEQR process with a political-style public relations campaign,
they will be reinforcing such behavior and setting a dangerous precedent for
future casino projects in our state.
Flanigan is a former town board member and supervisor in North
Greenbush. He lives in Wynantskill."