Friday, May 25, 2012

Report on the “Special Town Board Meeting”
By Ray Mooney and Don Johnson

Taxpayers got mugged again yesterday afternoon.

In the face of junk bond ratings, no financial turnaround plan, a non functioning CFAC, our lack of money to properly upgrade the waste treatment plant, our inability to legally pay back our inter fund borrowing, our inability to account for the savings associated with blowing $500,000 of taxpayer’s money, our deceiving taxpayers with paying fines and all the rest of the mess OBrien, Mangold and Malone pretend is governing, we added two new and additional patronage and nepotism jobs to town payroll yesterday.

There is not a taxpayer in our town, who, faced with similar family or personal financial problems, would do what OBrien, Mangold and Malone are doing to us and to our town.

 There is not a business, in our town or anywhere else, that would make the moves that OBrien, Mangold and Malone keep making. In the private sector business world these three individuals would be fired for incompetence and malfeasance.

 Special Meetings, as responsible taxpayers have come to learn, usually means the Town Board majority wants to slip something by citizens and keep things as under the radar as possible.

 This was certainly true for yesterday afternoon’s meeting.

 Yesterday afternoon’s Special Meeting was for OBrien, Mangold and Malone to make two (2) new and additional patronage and nepotism appointments to the DPW in the Highway Department.

There was no public comment portion of the meeting and no opportunity to ask questions. Ray had submitted an e-mail note to the Town Board earlier this week but that e-mail, and its list of questions, went unanswered. There was no indication that the CFAC had provided any input to the Board in making this decision. There was no indication that the staffing, work requirements and work load of the DPW staff was analyzed in any business-like way.

 Voters are left to wonder why these two new and additional patronage and nepotism appointments were left off of last week’s full Town Board meeting, but if you are thinking that deceiving taxpayers and avoiding having to answer obvious questions is a factor you are very probably correct.

 Supervisor Langley, in his legal role as the town’s Chief Financial Officer, spoke to our town’s overall poor financial condition and our debt. He voted against the resolution to add two additional patronage and nepotism appointments. Thank you, Mr. Supervisor.

Board Member Matters spoke to our illegal status in re-paying back inter fund borrowing and our inability to meet the legal requirements of last year’s early retirement resolution that cost taxpayers a cool $500,000. We cannot account for the legally required savings from that expenditure of taxpayer money and by constantly adding staff we are blowing any possibility of ever meeting the legally required savings requirements. Board Member Matters voted against the two additional patronage and nepotism appointments.

Supervisor Langley and Mr. Matters are to be commended for thoughtfully approaching this issue.  They both made it very clear that their decisions had nothing to do with the persons involved, but with what they knew to be the financial realities facing the Town.  We’ve had no evidence of a miraculous financial turn-around. 

In his remarks supporting the hiring, Mr. Malone addressed the need to upgrade the sewer infrastructure.  He remarked that since the EPA was now involved, the fines would be getting higher.  Ms. Obrien mentioned MS-4 obligations.  We thought it strange that sewer and storm water issues would be used to support Personal Service positions in the Highway Department.  Don’t the Sewer and Water Departments have their own Personal Service Rosters?  Ms. Mangold advised that these two permanent positions would mean less seasonal hiring this Summer.  HUH???  What’s the bottom-line financial saving in that?  

Bottom line – the Board majority was unable to make a sound business and financially clear case for hiring two new permanent employees in the Highway Department.  This is the same kind of “thinking” that was behind the cool half million spent on the “retirement incentive.”  What we got out of that was the cost of the incentive, the retirement bill and the cost of some of the newly retired hired back as “consultants.”   

The last Certified Audit look at the financial position of the Town was the UHY audit for 2009.  And it wasn’t good.  We haven’t seen balance sheets for 2010 or 2011 yet.  The majority of Malone, OBrien and Mangold make no reference to necessary resources like these for their business decisions.  This is not competent municipal leadership.  No recovery plan, no knowledge of financial position, no workload analysis……Good Grief. 


  1. Just want to let folks know that the first comment on this Post was from Anonymous who wanted to let Supervisor Langley and Mr. Matters know that they really did the right thing in staking out a minority position and would like to see more of it. The language was rather exuberant, so I really couldn't post it. There was also a comment included that Langley and Matters needn't take direction from the leader of the majority.

  2. Watch a bunch of pure and simple crap!!!! Now we know why the town is getting fined so much because of all of the crap flowing from town hall!!!!

    Kudos to Matters and Langley for standing their ground.

    Sue how does hiring 2 full time positions save money over hiring season people? Don't full time people get benefits? And seasonal do not? Last time I checked that was the case. And seasonal are just that hired to work the season like helping to mow lawns and clean parks something the full time people should already be doing anyways, but in most cases are too lazy to do.

  3. Please take a look at Ed Gilbert's take on yesterday's Town Board meeting on his Times Union blog:

  4. Let’s take a look at the current political dynamic. We have the Board majority of O’Brien, Mangold and Malone pushing thru a couple of patronage hirings without cogent argument (or anything even approaching a mediocre fairy tale). The same three are going to mug us is June with an Ethics Code absent a financial disclosure element which the Board voted to be in the Code in instructing the Ethics Board last year.

    Ms. O’Brien lost out on the grand plan when McCabe lost. No McCabe resignation and O’Brien appointment for the “high three” salary years for her retirement. Shouldn’t she be working Ron Canestrari (before he retires) and the Gov’s office for something to accomplish the same level of salary for the pension?

    Sue Mangold came on the first ticket for a one year term at the request of Ms. O’Brien. That was before running for a full term and then realizing the looming potential of financial disclosure and family conflict of interest was really on the horizon. Now Ms. O’Brien is covering for Ms. Mangold by supporting an Ethics code without financial interest disclosure – not because it’s good for the Town, but because it’s good for Ms. Mangold. And the work of the majority appointed Ethics Board is thrown to the wind and their bodies go under the bus.

    The majority passed a retirement incentive a year or two ago – costing taxpayers $500,000 – with the purpose of reducing the Town’s workforce. What do we get? Hiring back incentive retirees as consultants.

    Ms. O’Brien should go lobby Ron Canestrari for a pre-retirement job, and Ms. Mangold should just go run the businesses that she doesn’t want to disclose. Leave the governance of the Town to those who know something about governing with economy, honesty and transparency.

    I hear Mr. Malone is still nursing a fantasy about a dynasty. But the “old ways” are really starting to fade.

  5. This is a very factual and precise blog that belongs in the Advertiser as a letter to the editor. The general public need to know the truth, and this issue is very news worthy. Come on Ray and Don take it up a notch.

  6. Remember the "revenue neutral" REVAL that happened a couple of years ago which turned out to be NOT revenue neutral, but netted the Town about $1,000,000 in new revenue in the base tax levy? Some knew that it was "iffy," and should have been planning for the ""tax cert" avalanche which we have been experiencing which reduces the Town's tax revenue.

    So we know that tax revenue is going to be reduced by the tax certs which have been approved by the Board in recent months.
    Did anybody in this brain trust calculate the impact of potential reduction in revenue on the Town's budget? Sue Mangold should have been able to see the potential. She "recused" herself on the tax cert reduction on 590 Columbia Turnpike last Wednesday. If it happened for one of her holdings, might it happen for lots of others who can afford to hire lawyers to pursue the matter. They know the potential tax revenue reductions are there and they still insist on spending more.

  7. I think the next electioin someone aught to make up a sign that reads. All unethical need to apply.
    NO moral standards required.
    If you have these quilities you are more then welcome to hop aboard for a great ride on the East Greenbush taxpayers.
    Great example : Mangold Malone and O Brien.

  8. A total disregard for the our national economic climate, State economy and Town finances. Ginny O'Brien can blow smoke as much as she wants, but she simply doesn't care. She obviously is only setting the stage for her friends to benefit and does not likely have an election in this Town ahead of her. Ginny O'Brien only cares about Ginny O'Brien. True to form, she is likely lobbying the state committee to find a place to park her for her twilight three years to bump up her pension. It is the only thing these people care about.

    Sue Mangold is simply put an utter disappointment who embarrasses her entire family and discredits herself and has no backbone, independence or intelligence to do the right thing.

    Phil Malone, no big deal, no one really expected too much from him anyway. He is a talentless punk who is going through the motions with no one of any talent to really show him the ropes on how to do it right. He was way better at delivering pizza!

    It's obvious the Langley and Matter understand and are willing to do the right thing. But this isn't the majority's fault, it's the fault of East Greenbush voters who put them there! Way to go!

  9. Dear 7:33 PM:

    Your question about overall tax revenue was addressed in a Board meeting last year when an involved citizen asked abou the effect on all these tax appeals.

    What we were told is that everyone else's tax rate gets adjusted - upward of course to make up the difference.

    You know I have come to expect very little from O'Brien, Mangold and Malone. But every time I think they have hit the bottom they dig us, the good folks in town, deeper into the financial pit they have driven our town into.

    What the hell is the matter with these people? And for us in electing them?

  10. Anonymous who just submitted a comment...You're right on track and I'd print what you wrote if you could re-submit without the "personal" reference I'll review. And when it comes to taking the antics of the majority to a larger audience, the few of us who are doing it would welcome some company.

  11. EGG, not everyone is able to go public but I sure wish I was. Still, the few of you are doing an admirable job. I shutter to think of the state our town would be in without you. At least the majority knows that people ARE watching and reporting. Thanks again for your service to our town.

  12. One way to examine the O'Brien, Mangold, and Malone lack of fiscal responsibility is to read the April 6, 2012 article in USA Today on US House of Representatives office budget spending.

    The top 10 spenders in terms of actual to budget spending are all members of the Democratic Party - as are O'Brien, Mangold and Malone.

    Of the bottom ten lowest spenders eight of ten are Republicans.

    I am a registered Independent but voters interested in our town's financial health may want to keep this in mind when the 2013 election comes around.

  13. There seems not to be a lot of concern for the future of East Greenbush from Ginny O'Brien who may have different political aspirations. She has to run for re-election with what will likely be a political new comer who may not help increase her chances of re-election. It has been suggested that she will run for the legislature again with some of her former running mates, because the pay is higher and the work is easier for her. Going along at this point to help support the democratic party is what is best for her. The lack of representative concern for citizens in this town is pathetic and it seems the party is forever more important than the people. Mr. Langley and Mr. Matters seem to have the town's best interest at heart and understand the financial limitations of our situation. Someone on the TU blog identified our problem is simple voter apathy and the fact that East Greenbush residents can't be bothered to vote. Democrats in this town will not listen to residents, they only listen to voters after it's too late. Just ask our former supervisor Mr. McCabe who is still shaking his head from a devastating loss. You can't ignore the public forever O'Brien, Mangold and Malone, eventually they wake up!

  14. This whole town needs a Awaken. The Dems have controlled too long.
    They have a bunch of dead beats that are sucking the taxpayers dry for years. Majority Board members have taken advantage long enough.
    Wake up East Greenbush or suffer the consaqences.

  15. Every Town Board member, every Planning Board member, every Town attorney, every DPW Commishioner, and every DPW liaison since 2000 owns the EG dumping into the Hudson issue---EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU SELF-SERVING bums. Regardless of party, you are elected to represent the people, NOT your party and friends' personal interests and wallets. Supervisor Langley can take credit but the fact is the Gadly FOILs brought this issue to the public--no politician or Town employee. That is a very sad message to the residents of EG. Not one of those self-serving bums ever said a word while serving on the Board or in their appointed position.
    Ginny is afraid an Ethics Code will raise the bar too high for potential candidates. This proves we need the bar raised! We need representation that has a sincere interest in our tax dollars. Ginny bans smoking in the Town parks but was alright with dumping sewage in the Hudson. She misses the big picture. The previous majority (republican) approved a noise ordinance but was o.k. with dumping sewage in the Hudson. They too missed the big picture. Both party's representatives own this issue. Now that we have discovered the issue it is time to stop pointing fingers and work on fixing it. Both parties can own fixing the issue, for once they can do something positive for the taxpayers.
    Election 2013 will hopefully bring new blood onto the Board, those who have not served on the Board. The old blood is not working for US, they work for themselves.

    1. Gigi....Just to give credit where credit is due....It was Dwight Jenkins on East Greenbush Prays who first did the research and FOILing which made public the pollution of the Hudson and the Orders on Consent. We all owe him a great debt of gratitude.

  16. East Greenbush Gadfly--Dwight deserves gratitude for his work and many offer Dwight our appreciation. Dwight, Don and Ray--your FOILs are well done and much appreciated!

  17. Dear JC and Jane:

    It may interest you to know that I wrote a response but the EG Talks blog administrators, whomever they might be, have declined to publish it.

    So, I invite you to introduce yourselves at the June Town Board meeting and we can speak then if you would like.

  18. Ray, You know they are never going to let it out of the bag who owns or writes on that Democratic blog.
    WE all have a good idea. But that is as far as it is going to get.
    Remember your a Gadfly.

    1. I think we know that there are at least two Town employees and one Town Hall "insider." This was pretty much common knowledge at the beginning before the wholesale "delete" of the early history.

  19. There is a lingering question which has not gotten much attention since before the last election.....Where are the 2010 (and 2011, for that matter) financials???? Not to mention the Annual Update Documents to be submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller for those years.

    The Town has a contract with Toski Schaefer to deliver independent audits of the Town's financial statements for 2010, 2011 and 2012. So far, Toski has not delivered on any of the contract. What gives??? Are the financial records to bad that a CPA can't issue an opinion on them?

    Something is very wrong. As Chief Financial Officer of the Town, the Supervisor should be asking the contracted auditing firm to explain to him (and the general public, by the way) why an independent audit report cannot be issued on the financial condition and practices of the Town of East Greenbush for 2010.

    How can a Town function without a reasonably accurate accounting of its financial position and findings and recommendations as to what needs to be done to insure proper management of the dollars "contributed" by taxpayers.

    Where the H*** is everybody????? Keith, Rick, Ginny, Sue, Phil? Don't you want to know what the financial position of the Town is?? The majority voted to hire two new people last week. Ginny said it was OK because she was a taxpayer too. Ginny, want to ask about the Town's financial position??

    Until the hard questions get asked, taxpayers should be very skeptical as to the competence of those who have access to the taxpayer's checkbook.

  20. I remember that during the last campaign Mangold and O'Brien misrepresented the contents of an audit report from UHY on 2009 which had not been released. There were serious internal control findings in that report. I'm beginning to wonder if they really care about the financial condition of the Town. Seems to me that they are more interested in their own futures. Don't they care at all??

    When are we going to get public officials who pay attention to proper financial practices and real reports as to financial condition??? Ginny, just because you are a "taxpayer," doesn't mean that you can blow public money on your connected friends.

  21. Our town is not in god shape financially. We can skip past why and who is to blame but audit after audit and two different credit rating agencies prove that our town needs fiscal discipline and a really solid financial plan.

    In spite of these simple realities the O'Brien, Mangold and Malone majority on our Town Board added unneccesary patronage and nepositm jobs at the 2012 Organizational Meeting.

    Then they did it again last month - two more unnecessary patronage and nepotism appointments.

    And next Wednesday, at the June Town Board meeting we can easily predict that they will do it again - they will create out of nothing in terms of need - a high paying, terrific benefits job for a friend.

    Town Board members take an oath to represent the citizens, tax payers and voters of our town. But, with a voting majority, we see the utter abuse of that power as, despite our fiscal crisis, jobs get added, added and added some more. And not to take care of us - the people paying all these salaries - but rather to take care of family and friends.

    I know this is indelicate and sure to rankle many but, really and truly adding all these jobs is no longer malfeasance - it is legalized theft by O'Brien, Mangold and Malone.

  22. The Retirement Incentive, for which the taxpayer forked over $500,000, was supposed to be accompanied by a hiring freeze in order to achieve a Reduction in Force (RIF) in order to reduce Personal Service expenses in the out years. These are the kinds of expenses which KILL budgets, especially when you consider the benefits and out year pension expenses.

    Didn't the Board increase positions in the Police Department too. The argument there was that it was supposed to reduce Overtime. Has there been any documentation of that?

    The majority is forcing additional spending with no fiscal discipline, no workload analysis or justification and no financial plan. And there's no Sewer Fund to borrow illegally from any more.

    In 2008 the State Comptroller cited unbudgeted spending in the General and Highway Funds as the primary cause of the Town's deficit. OSC also recommended the development of a recovery plan. That was 2008. Can't the DEM majority read?? Spending like a bunch of drunken sailors.

  23. You know, friends and neighbors I don't think the issue is about fiscal discipline at all.

    I think O'Brien, Mangold and Malone are having hissy fits because McCabe lost and Langley is doing nothing more than trying to run the town outside their little circle of family and friends.

    Want proof:

    Cutting Langley's pay - a childish tit for tat. Was it anything else?

    Langley appoints his secretary - another tit for tat as a patronage jobs get added. Was it anything else?

    Langley appoints a director of finance - another tit for tat as yet another patronage job gets added. Is it anything else?

    Look O'Brien and cronies - put your big boy and girl pants on and manage responsibly. Accept political reality and try, just try will you to do what's right for the citizens for a damn change.

    Holy crap, how can people around here not see the need for the Ethics Code recommended by the Ethics Board?

    Can we recall these three stooges? I know that's not nice. But squandering taxpayer money playing these foolish little political games brings out the worst in me.

  24. The First ObserverJune 15, 2012 at 1:12 PM

    Anon. 9:46 AM, you are only speaking the truth. MOM is playing politics instead of governing. We the people, need responsible elected officials who will perform their duties, solely for the sake of the taxpayers they represent. The wall that the Democratic Party created to keep us out, has had some holes punched in it. They are becoming more and more exposed to the light of day.

    I will say it again, I believe the town would be better off if some of the Dem. Party members would resign. Is Ms Halloran still the Chairperson of the party? How can she possibly be pleased with the actions of the Majority Board, who appears to be getting help from the town attorney. McCabe brought him back, nothing further needs to be said.

    The Dem. Party in our town, in my opinion, has lost it's dignity. Where are the people in the party who are willing to say, it's time to stop taking advantage of the town's citizens? When will enough be enough with you guys? Can you swear before God that all your decisions are solely for the benefit of the taxpayers only?

    I'd like a response to my questions from supporters of the majority board. Please use proper language in your response. Why is the Dem. Party in EG so wonderful as McCabe led us to believe when he said good-bye?

    Debt, bad audits, abstaining votes, poop dumping, lots of family jobs, questionable ethic code, almost forgot the stipends, nasty attempt to take some of the newly elected Supervisor's salary away, computer gate, dumping the original Finance Committee, scrap gate, neglecting to be transparent with the tax payers. recent hiring of more friends and relatives, the town reval, and an ex-notary public.

    Stacking the deck is the way I see it. The list above is certainly not an exhausted list by no means. How in the name of all that is holy, can this be good governing? Now this is my rant or frustration to the way the Dem. Committee has led our town over the many years.

    Good luck to anyone who thinks there is a lot of good in all of this.

  25. The First ObserverJune 20, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    You know Gadfly, I'm really on to something here. It's all true, and no one will refute it in any logical manner. Our town could have so much more, if the whole board, would get on board and do the right thing for our town. We need to have people running this town, who do not have any family involvement in town business, and it's employees.

    Ethics is really the issue here. The system has been abused for such a long time. Accountability, transparency, integrity for crying out loud, where is it being displayed?

    Our town government has lost it's soul.

  26. Well First Observer, it would be nice of everyone would pull together for the good of the Town, but after tonight's Board meeting I have my doubts. East Greenbush is demonstrating itself to be the Wal-Mart of Towns. And by this I'm referring to the Wal-Mart pictures floating around the Internet. Big flabby butts in place of brains.

    What a comedy of political tomfoolery goes on here. You've got O'Brien and company screwing the Supe on staff to deal with financial matters. And then you've got the Grand Torino demanding his favor for some relative. And then the Chair of the Reps cat-calling from the audience. At least Kim kept her mouth shut. (She didn't need to say anything because the Reps were such fools.)

    Does anybody think of the needs of the lowly taxpayer here. Or is it all about "we're in the majority so we do what we want" said Mr. Malone. (And that's a direct quote.)

    This place is a circus. And the taxpayers are still footing the bill for monkeybusiness. The Town is in trouble because of 13 years of mismanagement with the sewer matter, and the majority is still trying to keep control of development (and graft) by planning a big tax increase to create new infrastructure for the sewer system.

    It has to stop soon. There's no more money left Ginny.

  27. At least two case studies culled from the imaginary EG Governmental Personnel "Handbook" were on display at last night's TB Meeting.

    (1) Consistent and clear communication between staff and Department Heads is necessary for the effective administration of Taxpayer Dollars:

    On, or about, Friday, June the 8th, Supervisor Langley initiated a conversation with his appointed Director of Finance. He informed her that she must be replaced and be re-assigned to another position in Town Hall. Mr. Langley told her that he would support the creation of another position specifically for her within Town Hall, no matter what the cost to the taxpayers.

    At approximately 8:15AM on the following Monday. Mr. Langley informed the now former Director of Finance that she had been fired and should begin to immediately remove all of her personal belongings from Town Hall. He then told her that, due to pressure from the Town Republican Party, he had been forced to withdraw his previously promised support and that her employment with the Town in any capacity was no longer possible.

    (2) Personnel decisions will be determined after an evaluation of the needs of the residents of the Town. Appointments should be made from a pool of qualified candidates:

    To quote Councilperson Malone ... "we're in the (Democratic) Majority, so we do what we want."

    Councilperson Mangold has a solid business background with specific expertise in Human Resource and Personnel management.

    Let's hope that Supervisor Langley and Councilperson Malone can sit down with her in order to move EG towards the establishment of a sensible and cost-effective hiring policy that will make all of the people of EG (no matter what their political party registration) swell with pride.

    1. Dear Diogenes 8:45 AM

      I don't think that will work. The Supe doesn't like meeting with people who might ask him questions. He would just send "Screaming" Gilbert to yell at them.

  28. I was pleasantly surprised by the unanimous vote at last night's Town Board meeting for Mary Pat Donnelly to the Position of East Greenbush Town Justice.

    Looks like the Republican endorsed members of the Town Board (Supervisor Langley and Councilman Matters) have decided not to publicly support the Republican candidate... whoever he/she is?

    That's just how we used to get the Republicans to "go along" in the City of Albany back in the day.


  29. Dear Ray;
    I was very surprised to see something I never thought I would see, you were speechless when someone asked you why you weren't outraged at the treatment of Laura Ingoldsby. So lets hear it. Wheres the outrage about firing a longtime employee in the manner that it was done. YOu had alot to say about cutting salary for new employees, but nothing about firing Laura. Can you say double standard? How about hypocrit? Also, I heard nothing from you about the won adding to the payroll when it was for the new bookkeeper in ADDITION to hiring an HR consulting Firm at $150 per hour. Where is the outrage Ray, about adding all that money to do the job Laura did for all those years? Thats right, to sum it up, they fired Laura, with Mulvey sitting there, and replaced her with 2 people, plus wanted to bring on the consulting firm. How come you aren't yelling about that? Hypocrit.

  30. Dear Anonymous 2:36 PM:

    I addressed part of your question on Talks. The anonymous blog masters over there very rarely post my comments. Perhaps this circumstance will be different.

    I did not respond last night for several reasons. One is that I could not be sure if I had all the facts and all sides of the issue. Please keep in mind that it was Phil Malone questioning me. Phil Malone insulted me in my own neighborhood and in front of my wife. I felt he was more likely baiting me than asking a serious question. Do you think I am incorrect about that?

    As I said once to former Supervisor McCabe and as I included in my Talks response I think all employees should be treated with respect and dignity.

    I think tax payers money should be spent with care and responsibly. I think that is especially true as we work to recover from the recent past's deficit spending and highly questionable inter fund borrowing.

    I hope that answers your questions. If you would be comfortable separating yourself from anonymous questions and blogging I would be happy to discuss any issue in more depth.

  31. Our town is so polarized. We so lack the civility Jack Conway speaks to so often.

    And we are not really polarized around the two principle competing political parties.

    We are polarized around two more basic things.

    There are people in town who want to see things different and better. These people want to see a town government run for the benefit of citizens and taxpayers.

    And there are those people - of both political parties mind you - who see winning an election as a way to distribute taxpayers' money to family and friends.

    I have known Dwight Jenkins and Don Johnson for many years. I have never detected the slightest hint of any political ambition or their seeking a town job for themselves or their families. They only want what is best for the town. They only want positive change.

    In seeking what is best for the town's taxpayers both these gentlemen have run up against peole who resist change, who have some vested interest in the status quo.

    I do not think it is an exaggeration to state that 90% + of what has happened in our town to make the town more responsible with taxpayers' money is because of these two gentlemen.

    Stand by and watch the evil comments flow from across the blogosphere. Think back to those vile comments about a female member of our community.

    And then think about Langley and Matters. Neither votes to make their family members enriched through town projects (Mangold). Neither has one (or more) family members on the town's payroll (O'Brien and Malone).

    Then think about who supported a good ethics code (Langley and Matters) and who fought it (O'Brien, Mangold and Malone).

    It is not that hard to figure out what is going on around our town if you just do a little study and analysis.

    Don Johnson and Dwight Jenkins are heroes. I exaggerate not in the least with that statement. OK Talks - have at it.

    Change is tough

  32. I just found another East Greenbush Blog - East Greenbush Guardian Blog Spot .com. Pretty good.

    1. Here is what I think: This is a blog Ed Gilbert stared in June. He worked on it for one day and gave up. Give me the Gadfly any day.
