Monday, May 11, 2015

There's Good News Tonight

Jack Conway, Tina Tierney and Tom Grant have announced for Supervisor and Town Board.

Check out the website at 

A new day is about to dawn for East Greenbush, and we should be thankful for the friends who are taking on the task. 


  1. Finally, this exceptional team isn't just teaching, now they're doing. Maybe there is hope for East Greenbush after all.

  2. Love the billboard, love the website, but will add one thing. Tina, You need to get rid of that picture with you Mike and the boys or else you will lose my vote (wink) JK. Even if you are a Boston fan I guess I'll have to vote for you because you are still better than what we have.

    Good luck to all of you, and come November it is time for a real change in EG!!!

  3. There was quite a turnout at the Jack, Tina, and Tom kick off rally tonight at the park. Front and center were Rick and Mary Ann Matters who weren't afraid to come and support their candidates of choice. These two have been through so much but they never stop pulling for the town. Seeing them there told me that Jack, Tina, and Tom are the future of East Greenbush.

  4. This is a Golden opportunity to expose elected officials for the illegal Stipends, and Longevity/Sickpay dollars they took from the EG Taxpayers. Elected officials should not be allowed the privilege of holding public office after taking tax dollars they don't deserve. Toni Murphy has a nice smile and is a nice person BUT she HAS betrayed the public's trust. She needs to do the right thing and pay back the money and not seek reelection.

    1. Look at it this way..... The Dems and the Reps are going to be saying a lot about who THEY are by the candidates they advance in the coming election. Dollars to donuts it will be more of the same insider politics. And by the way, it was the Shelly Silver hand picked State Comptroller who waffled on the stipend, longevity/sickpay issue. If he had submitted those issues to government audit standards rather than treat them in an appendix, the odds are that the matter would have been referred to law enforcement according to the standards for government audits. Albany corruption jumps the river real easy.

  5. 9:19PM. Today there is definitely hope for East Greenbush because this exceptional team is willing to put themselves and their money on the front lines for all of us. Now we who want this change, need to step up behind them by doing the following:
    1. Assist them with their petition drive to ensure they are on the ballot on November 3, 2015.
    2. Support them financially……Both 1. & 2. can be done on
    3. Vote for all of them on November 3, 2015.
    4. When they win on November 3rd, continue to encourage, support and assist them in every way we can with the difficult work that is needed to change our town and government.
    5. And lastly, encourage your family, friends and neighbors to join us and do the above.

    1. Excellent suggestions, Lee. And rest assured that this ticket will welcome your imput for the next 4 years.

  6. Today's TU Editorial is right on target. You can read it here:

    The two quotes from Lord Acton are applicable here - "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And - "Everything secret degenerates. Nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity."

  7. Finally! Real residents who know what it's like being in the cheap seats at a town meeting want to try the other side of the fence. They warned, even threatened, they would do it, and now they have! How can any candidate compete with the force that's coming, with the website, the color flyers, the stickers, etc? This will be one heck of an expensive but effective campaign. Can't wait to be a part of it, to sign the petition for a third party, and against the two-party machine that's made a royal mess of the town.
    JACK, TINA & TOM 2015!

  8. Another near 1000 hit day for the Gadfly blog boys and girls. Keep reading and commenting!!

  9. I'm sorry but just how bad do you have to be to make DVW think he can run you out of office? In the coming months, Mr. Langley is going to be bombarded with ALL of the errors of his ways as they boomerang back around to smack him repeatedly in the head. Did he ever really think he would survive his uncustomary performance? January 1, 2014 was the first day of the rest of his political life but he blew his nose on it and tossed it in the garbage. January 1, 2016 is sure to be the first day of the rest of someone else's political life. Let's hope Mr. Langley will deal with it graciously.

    1. 9:03 p.m. He won't deal with it graciously. His boy Elroy resigned from the EB and is already back to flog-blogging again, his TRUE calling. All they do is tear people down. That's NOT professional, positive behavior. The EG 1st team said that they will rise above all the mudslinging and thuggery and bring us quality information about all of their hopes, goals, and plans for the town...their town...our town! While Keith Langley continues to talk AT people, the EG 1st team will speak WITH us to run the town right.
      JACK, TINA & TOM 2015!

  10. Jack, Tina and Tom, nicely done! Stay positive! Have a plan and share it with residents and tell voters what you Can do for us, not what the other guy hasn't! The two party system is as outdated as the phone book, the VCR and AM radio! It is time people have a chance to vote for the right people for the right reason rather than the right party for the wrong reason. Good luck! EG First is fresh, new and the right direction. Way to go!

  11. Jack Conway is a good and decent man. He is smart, caring, honest, and knows the town extremely well. Jack possesses the most advanced mediation and facilitation skills I have ever witnessed. Jack's work as the chair of the Ethics Board was fantastic.

    Jack Conway will make the best supervisor the town of East Greenbush has ever seen. He will do the people's work. He will always, always put the public interest above all else.

  12. It looks like Talks is going after Don and Suzanne again with a bunch of lies. I know for a fact that when the dog park was only a dream Suzanne sent an email to Town Hall volunteering to be on the planning committee and never heard back. Why would she be opposed when she has had labrador retrievers since 1992? If the writer lied about that the other stuff is probably a lie as well.

    1. One writer on Talks....not the entire Talks viewership........

  13. The dem and rep machines must feel so incredibly threatened by the third party army tank that rolled into town this week. What can go up against THIS machine? Certainly not the old world palm card and a dream style of campaigning. For that reason, everyone associated with the third party movement in this town will be fair game but it's worth it for real change.

    1. The "Republicrats" are not happy. Starting to complain about "fairness" of all things. We've got intelligent people in the race now, not bought and paid for. People with character and an actual magnet in their moral compass. No, the Republicrats are scared. As one of them of note was quoted as saying: "If Jack gets elected, we get nothing." Of course he was referring to the patronage and graft the Parties are accustomed to.

  14. Check out today's Advt on pgs 5 and 19 and let's get the conversation started. Ed Gilbert continues to offend residents using words like "lies" and "like a child." Langley continues to keep him around, so he MUST approve if Elroy's behavior. Then...there's Keith's defense of "broken beyond repair." I guess he and Ed didn't sync their definitions of bbr before putting it in the Advt. Priceless!

  15. If you're retired or for some other reason available at 4 p.m. today, please plan to attend the pre-board meeting. There will be a number of presentations given including one by a Chazen consultant about the status of the waste water treatment plant "spill" on 3/13 and the upgrade. It's worth hearing about for residents who want to be kept informed abt the bang they're getting for their tax dollar, and there's no doubt, folks, we're being banged and banged good!

    1. We can thank Keith Langley for the continued use of the 4pm Preboard meeting time. It might be convenient for him (for the next six months or so) but it is very inconvenient to the majority of the working (wo)men of EG.
      Enjoy it while you can, Mr. Langley.


  16. Wow! Eileen Grant hit a nerve with the Supervisor and Ed Gilbert. Unfortunately, Ed did NOT attend the forum regarding municipal finances because if he had, he would know his statement regarding the letter the Comptroller is asked to sign is a tad incorrect. Maybe Supervisor Langley and Ed Gilbert (who is exactly WHAT to the Town now-other than a joke-as he resigned from the Ethics Board) and the Comptroller should have attended the financial forum. Great information and it was free to anyone that wanted to attend and apparently those 2 need that information.

  17. We also heard at the community forum that the two government finance experts both stated that an annual update document based on unaudited books is meaningless.
    Thanks again to Tina Tierney for setting up the forum.

  18. While Ed Gilbert and Kieth Langley attempt to explain and defend our "broken beyond repair accounting system", I personally will take the explanation from a reputable Supervisor (who before his role as Supervisor served the North Greenbush Town Board for 28 years!) and an experienced CPA in municipal accounting over yours, and I encourage the rest of you to do the same. Since you couldn't take time out of your day to better your understanding on municipal finances (thank you Mary Ann, Mike Poorman and members of the CFAC for showing up), Don was kind to video tape it. At the end of the 40+ minute resident Q&A session this was addressed (fast forward to 1:19:30). An Ed, here's an explanation as to the importance of Audits - do you hear Eileen in this? Fast forward the same video to 55:10.

    1. What Keith and Ed seem to be skirting around (we learned after the casino debacle details aren't important to them) is that Keith's administration is part of the broken system. They seem to be fixated on blaming the last administration, to which is not innocent, but our Comptroller had to use the beginning of 2014 as a starting point for our budget because the years of accounting date prior are in disarray. Keith, you came into office when? Pretty sure two years prior to 2014 - YOU are responsible as well.

  19. With "supporters" like Mr. Gilbert, Supervisor Langley doesn't need opponents.
    Drain the Swamp!!

  20. I'm sure Keith deeply appreciates the daily personal and political support he gets from Ed Gilbert. Ed has been with Keith from the very beginning of their political careers. I remember back in 2011 when Ed and Keith ran together (with Danny Fiacco) as part of the Chris DeFruscio Dream Team. It's amazing how much our Town has changed since election day in November, 2011.

  21. Why does Ed Gilbert keep weighing in as though he's still deputy supervisor? C'mon, Keith, get some backbone and send Eddo packing. Considering you need all the help you can get, he doesn't help you at all.

  22. Gadfly, I am pleased to know the good residents of East Greenbush, will have another choice at the ballot box in November. No politician should feel threatened if they have executed a good job performance, aheared to all minicipal laws, displayed no favoritism with his or her office, treated all residents with respect, and put fourth a resounding effort to keep our community safe, and not at the mercy of outsiders to plunder our livelihoods. I'll get off my soapbox, as it's all been said before. Somethings bear repeating, when you feel your not being listened to, or understood. Welcome to town, Who ever refuses to run a fair and honest campaign, will not be fair and honest in governing.

  23. There was a big "hollering fest" after the pre-Board meeting in the parking lot which looked like it was related to the Tempel Lane project advocated by Langley and Malone. Questions from DiMartino and Matters. Another "inside" deal in the offing? Just ask Gilbert.

  24. Here's the Link to Ken Crowe's story on EGFirst in Today's TU:

  25. Gilbert doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time and last Thursday was no exception. Langley should keep his attack dog on a shorter leash if he knows what's good for him. They're trying to jam a residential development onto prime commercial property claiming that no one else wants it but DiMartino and Matters know better. Who knows who is promising who what but Langley's hanging out there like the matzo ball that he is because he can't make good on his promises. So Gilbert reacted thusly for boss hog. Eddo is still in the arm-twisting business. Matters is still saying no to him. Good for her!

  26. The thuggery and intimidation tactics under the Langley administration will no doubt end under a Conway administration. I was there last Thursday, watched the whole thing from a distance. Ed Gilbert came out of town hall into the parking lot where Mary Ann and others were talking. He rushed towards her angry and yelling. They exchanged some words but she walked away before it got out of control. He was still shouting at her angrily as she walked away. Does this guy Gilbert think he's helping anything? Does he think he can scare a councilwoman into submission? This is alarming.

    1. Neither council persons Dimartino or Matters are changing their minds when it comes to using commercial property for Ed scream @ them all you want, Langley scream @ them all you want, it just proves to all of us how pathetic you guys are (not that we didn't know that already.)Bye-bye Ed, bye-bye Keith.

  27. Add this one to Feather's and the insider's casino conspiracy "fairy tale" attempt:

  28. Gadfly, great article in the TU, CRYING OUT FOR REFORM. Men in BOTH parties, filling their pockets with illegal gain. We hear politicians say all the time, I'M HONEST, yeah right! Time will always bear witness to the truth, when citizens are actively involved in government. Both political machines are greased with dirty oil, yet continue to function. Lots of smoke, to hide what? Time will always does. In my lifetime, I would like to see the dealings and trading stop. No more bargaining for political or appointed positions. True, independent, smart thinkers, who are beholden to no one. Jack, Tina and Tom, I believe you all have met my expectations. I have a dream.....Nov., 2015.

  29. Looks to me like Talks has shut down for "behind the backstop negotiations."

  30. This is a MUST READ boys and girls:

  31. The monthly (give or take) Reports From Supervisor Langley are MUST READS as well.

  32. I enjoyed reading the Langley thread TRUTH published. Thanks, egpride.

  33. Gadfly, what's your take on MAM's opening comments at last night's Town Board mtg.? IMHO, she was most impressive -- effectively stripping "Supervisor" Langley of the chance to slap Band-Aids on the wastewater treatment facility debacle.

  34. Here's the link to the video of last night's Board meeting circus. The illustrious Mr. Gilbert can be found at 42:40.

  35. To MBE--I second your comment! MAM made it very clear to Supervisor Langley he needs to work with the Board to get things done and his dictator approach to governing is debunked. That includes fixing the wastewater treatment facility debacle WHICH is costing the Town.

    1. Councilperson DiMartino put her foot down as well to the Supervisor for rushing contracts for an accident at the plant that is so far costing close to a million dollars. Thank you CP DiMartino and CP Matters for doing your due diligence and NOT rushing into this.

  36. I encourage everyone to take a look at the video of last night's Town Board meeting. When you look at it you will come away with a strong sense of how Keith Langley regards the process of open and transparent government and the civil discussion of important issues.

  37. Did you catch the Building Inspector's assertion that the "monstrosity" duplex with four front doors up on Thompson Hill was "at this moment" a duplex? I understand that this relates to the "fact" that in the four kitchens in the building, there are (so far) only two stoves. I hear that in the trade, a kitchen is defined by the presence of a stove. So he gets to make the assertion and then issue a CO, and then they hook up two more stoves and we have a four unit apartment building. What a racket.

  38. CP Matters advised everyone involved ahead of time that the WWTP resos would not be acted on at last night's meeting because she and CP DiMartino weren't ready to vote, they still had too many questions. In response to her, he assembled three contractors in front of her and Deb and demanded that they ask their questions right then and there and get their answers. Kudos to Mary Ann for insisting "we are NOT doing this tonight" and for putting the bully in his place. Where does he get the nerve to demand anything? Is the culture of intimidation and thuggery in town hall so pronounced that he STILL thinks he can bully the "broads" into compliance? The answer is yes.

  39. I thought that the insurance company is paying for the mistake that happend at treatment plant?

  40. 2:17 p.m. That's what the Supervisor wants you to think. It's not true. The insurance will pay for a portion of it but not all of it. The town is still waiting to see what its share of the cost will be. One thing is for sure, it will be more than we can afford.

  41. Listening to the video from about 5:00, will the minutes reflect that the Supervisor prodded TWO engineers to declare that the WWTP is an EMERGENCY situation and yet they both failed to answer him yes???? Thank you for this video and I PRAY that come January we can stop being embarrassed by our Town government. Too many good things and good people in this Town to watch McLangley drive it into the gutter.

    1. Also from the town board meeting...
      It was strange that CP Matters was the Board Member who announced the appointment of Supervisor Langley's Campaign Treasurer, Meaghan Hart, as Deputy Supervisor.
      As we know from the Ed Gilbert era, that appointment is directly made by the Supervisor without a vote from the Town Board.
      Why didn't Supervisor Langley publicly announce his own appointment? He was proud to announce Mr. Gilbert's appointment as Deputy Supervisor. Was Supervisor Langley hoping Ms. Hart's appointment would go unnoticed, even though she was up front sitting next to the Town Attorney?
      Most people when they make an appointment to an important position are proud to tout the appointment.
      But as "I Like Langley" constantly reminds us... Keith Langley is not like most people.
      Not good Mr. Langley, not good at all.

    2. What I found interesting of the appointment of Meaghan as Deputy Supervisor (other than the fact that she has served as the Supervisor's secretary, the Supervisor's campaign treasurer, and the Town's Director of Finance) is that when CP Matters stated she was our Town's Finance Director, Langley turned his head in surprise - like he didn't know this. (around 15:19 in the video you'll see his confusion - you may have to zoom in).

    3. @ 9:12 AM, Isn't it some sort of Ethical violation for the same person to be a Town employee, paid by taxpayer dollars to hold the multiple positions of East Greenbush Director of Finance AND East Greenbush Deputy Supervisor while also serving as the Campaign Treasurer for the Political Committee to Re-elect Keith Langley as Town Supervisor? If it isn't, it sure should be!
      Particularly since the same person was appointed to each of these positions by none other than our Supervisor and Political Candidate, Keith Langley.
      What say you, Mr. Langley? What say you, Board of Ethics?

  42. 10:04 p.m. The dems may have kicked ol Keith to the curb but he'll always be "McLangley" to us.
    This year will be a war for the Supervisor's seat.
    McLangley is back with DeFruscio's crew and the plan is that DeFruscio's future son-in-law, a 24 year old kid, will run with McLangley for a board seat. That's how much they care about the future of this town, folks. They're willing to put serious decisions in the hands of a kid who is new to the town; he's originally from Castleton. You just can't make this stuff up.

  43. You gotta enjoy "Talks" for a laugh once in a while. They are already belly aching about Taylor being on the CFAC. The only person, to this day, that wrote a FRP for this town and they are complaining about her. Just goes to prove the likes of DVW aren't for the town, they are for themselves and are no different from Langley and probably Poorman. Talks is beating the drums against Don and Sue too who are 2 people that have never tried to get a job from this town or asked it for any money. They ask the town to prohibit squatters on town (taxpayer) property and Talks beats them too. Just proving whomever Talks supports in Nov is probably not who has the best intentions of the town at heart.

  44. When you watch this video, notice McLangley's red face the whole time. He looked angry enough to explode. Clearly, he has lost control, not that he ever had it, but he's in particularly tough straights now. Even his ankle biter, Ed Gilbert, gave up and even left the meeting before it was over. Matters and DiMartino may not be able to get much done for the rest of the year but they can try and they certainly can prevent McLangley from doing any serious damage to the town until Jan 1 when hopefully we'll have a new supervisor. Go Deb and MA! Stay strong!

  45. With all due respect, if you'll check the 10/16/13 Town Board Minutes, you'll see that a Deficit Fund Balance Elimination Plan was introduced by CP Mangold, seconded by CP Malone and unanimously passed.

    Pete Stenson

    1. Pete, it looks to me from the Minutes that the "plan" was tied to certified audits for 2013, 14 and 2015. I think we know that the "plan" was never implemented. Right.

    2. Pete good find, I do believe Sue had a lot of good intentions - it was unfortunate that she could not see through the years the conflicts with voting on her brother's projects. With regards to the Deficit Fund Balance, it is required (or highly suggested) that towns who received an audit with findings must/should adopt a Corrective Action Plan. This wasn't a personal choice, just like the WWTP, it was required. Where is this Deficit Fund Balance Elimination Plan? It's nice that they approved it on paper, but where's the plan and who is following it?

    3. Gadfly,

      Only one of Plan's five components was "tied to certified audits for 2013" ... the 4th which called for the elimination of "the Deficit Fund Balance as identified in the 2013 Audited Financial Statements " over a five year period.

      The rest of the Plan was independent of "certified audits for 2013".

      Pete Stenson

  46. Ann Taylor has been beaten up in this town for years now, so she can take it or she probably would not have accepted the appointment to the CFAC. Ann is a smart, tenacious business woman who will be excellent on the CFAC. Maybe she will finally get the writing of the internal controls started. That's why TALKS is beating her up. They're intimidated by her. Way to show your hand, Talks. Don and Suzanne are also fighters who have never waved the white flag to the bullies and thugs of this town who don't appreciate them. If we had a whole town full of people like Ann, Don and Suzanne, we'd be in much better shape as a community.

    1. My comment on Talks:

      I served with Ann Taylor on the Finance Committee and Chaired CFAC. We didn't agree on everything, but any disagreements were respectful.

      Ann is a great choice for CFAC and will make many positive contributions to that committee and East Greenbush.

      Good luck, Ann!

      Pete Stenson

  47. 9:04 a.m. Mr. Stenson, I was unaware of the DFBE plan but I will look for it. If it was passed unanimously, was it implemented? If not, why not? Thank you.

  48. I feel for CP Matters and DiMartino who are in the muck and mire of this obscenely and grossly political environment. The "ankle biter" (loved that!) accused MA of being "irresponsible, arrogant and vengeful" for needing more time to research and understand the complicated financial implementations of the $1M sewer plant disaster on our town. He accused her of being political but it is fact McLangley, the ankle biter, and "let the man speak" DeFruscio who are, in fact, all of those things. We MUST do everything in our power to rid town government of this terrible trio on election day. The town is in turmoil and it won't be able to sustain this level of ineptness much longer.

  49. The DFBE plan? Is it synonymous to a financial recovery plan? Did it address all the financial woes of the town and provide solutions to them? I also am curious, it was passed unanimously so was it ever implemented? How can we obtain a copy of the proposed DFBE so it can be posted publicly?
    And BTW-the FRP was written years before the 10/16/13 DFBE. A FRP addresses all of the financial issues plaguing a municipality and not only the muni's deficit. Look it up because alot of us looked up what a FRP is when Taylor proposed it. That's how FRP became a common chant in EG.
    That being said, thanks for reminding everyone there is a DFBE. All we need now is to publish it and compare it to reality to see if it has been implemented. A DFBE would have at least been a start.

  50. To Eileen Grant--EXCELLENT letter in yesterday's edition of The Advertiser! So true and on point! Thank you!

  51. Didn't Chris DeFruscio try to run his cousin for a town board seat last time. What is this? Some kind of friends and family plan of CDef? Bottom line. I'm not voting for anyone foolish enough to run on a ticket with Keith Langley. Mr Langley does not deserve to be returned to office.

  52. I attended both the Pre-Board meeting a week ago Thursday and the Board meeting Wednesday. Since Wednesday night I found myself asking, “What the heck happened in the 6 days since Pre-Board to turn this into a crisis?”

    At the Pre-Board meeting all the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) resolutions were on that agenda, and the Chazen Companies’ rep updated the Board and the public on the status of the cleanup, what was being done to address the smell coming from the plant, NYS grants applications that Chazen will complete and submit on behalf of the town, and where the project was headed. I don’t recall anything that was said to suggest that we were in a “crisis”. On the contrary, it was a very calm, civil meeting and my sense leaving the meeting was that there was a plan, additional questions were expected and welcomed, and the project was moving along. During the presentation I jotted down a page long list of clarifications or new questions that I planned to ask at the upcoming regular meeting where the public is permitted to speak (because the public, for reasons that escape me, is still not permitted to contribute or ask questions at Pre-Board).

    Fast forward 6 days to the Board Meeting on Wednesday and immediately after the pledge of allegiance Supervisor Langley declared in his opening remarks that many residents are complaining about the smell coming from the plant and much to my surprise that we were now in a “crisis. He then proceeded to summon 4 engineers from Chazen and Delaware Engineering to the public podium, who told us with much prodding from the Supervisor, that we have a “crisis”, that all the WWTP resolutions “MUST be passed tonight” or by Friday the insurance company may tell us they won’t pay, that the companies working on the plant won’t order materials and all contractor will stop working on the project. At that point CP Matters advised that she, CP DeMartino (CP Malone was absent again and CP Mangold resigned) and residents still had many unanswered questions, and that the two of them would not be ready to vote on any of the WWTP resolutions until after they were able to have a meeting with the engineers and other town personnel to address theirs and citizens’ unanswered questions in a calmer more civil setting. Ultimately, once some calm and civility returned to the meeting, the Board committed to trying to meet with the engineers and town personnel in the next 7 days and to schedule a special Board meeting immediately thereafter to vote on all the WWTP resolutions.

    My take on all this is between last Friday and the Board meeting Mr. Langley became aware of just how many residents have complained about the WWTP smell, remembered that this is an election year and said “Oh, crap this isn't making me look good” (Sorry, couldn’t let that go) and decided he needed to look like he was leading from the front and not from behind, so hence a “crisis” developed for the last Board meeting. To quote another blogger, “Not good Mr. Langley, not good at all”.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone and please thank as many veterans, active service persons, police officers, firefighters and EMS people as you can this weekend for protecting our lives and our freedoms.

  53. Everything associated with the waste treatment needs to be carefully questioned and analyzed.

    The decision to spend MILLIONS of our money was highly questionable from the get go. The county option needed infinitely more prudent.

    After all the previous spills and all the previous fines paid wouldn't we lime to think that someday, someone woukd handle the waste treatment plant I. A prudent, professional manner? That day, obviously, will have to wait for awhile.

  54. Mr. Cookson:
    I'm sure we can all "smell what the (Supervisor) "is cookin."
    Sorry, just couldn't resist the Dwayne Johnson reference.

  55. Supervisor Langley seems to want to keep any information about the WWTP spill and its costs from the voters until after Election Day. Mr. Langley, the people deserve to know what happened on your watch and how much the industrial spill will cost all of us.
    Not good Mr. Langley, not good at all

  56. Why isn't Chazen Engineering responsible for paying at least some of the cost of the WWTP cleanup? Shouldn't t they be at least partially responsible for the spill costs? Weren't they supposed to be checking that the construction was being done the right way?
    What say you, Supervisor Langley?

  57. It was an East Greenbush worker who left a valve open.

    1. In the end an accident is an accident and no one person deserves to be blamed. I can see where 6:42 is coming from though because one of my first thoughts was why didnt the engineers have a safety valve on a switch that could've easily been knocked into or forgotten to be turned off.

    2. 12:19 a.m. At the very least there should have been an official investigation into who and what caused the WWTP sludge spill, and an official report should have been provided to the town. No such investigation ever occurred. In fact, it never even made the news! Since day 1, the town has simply assumed 100% of the blame for the spill figuring that insurance would pay for it. We are now hearing that the cost of the mishap will cost or exceed $1M and that insurance won't cover it ALL. So how many thousands of dollars will WE, the taxpayers, have to pay for a disaster that wasn't even officially investigated? CP Matters and DiMartino said they had too many questions about the resolutions Langley is trying to jam down their throats to vote on them on 5/20. He criticized them for being "irresponsible" and not responding appropriately to an "emergency." They are proceeding with caution anyway and deserve credit for that and encouragement. Stay the course, "girls."

  58. If McLangley had opted for the platform published by MAM and Deb and had also opted for a different set of advisers than DeF and the Gilderberry, he wouldn't have been glaring at former supporters at the parade today. He's toast, but could have reformed government in EG. But DeF had to "drive the bus." Hope you've learned something Keith.

  59. CDeF is now grooming his future son-in-law to drive the bus except the boy wonder won't be driving, he'll be driven. So, clearly, Keith hasn't learned anything. It didn't work out with the two "girls," so now he's angling for two political neophytes who won't know enough to give him a cogent argument. Keith Langley's persistent determination to be in total control of the town is both frightening and disturbing.
    If Jack, Tina and Tom win in November, the town will be saved.

  60. Right after the Memorial Day parade ceremony yesterday, our charming supervisor booked out of Melvin Roads like the place was on fire. He didn't even stay for a hot dog and a soda. Other officials stayed, Jack, Tina and Tom, Deb DiMartino and MA Matters, and Mike Poorman, who is rumored to be running for supervisor this year, all stayed. These are people who like people and who don't mind sticking around to visit with others. Not so with Mr. Langley. Whether it's after a ceremony or after a board meeting, he's gone like a shot. So much for the open door policy.

  61. And 9:57 AM, Supervisor Langley wasn't heading down to the WWTP to make sure all the valves were shut off. He was last seen being driven by his BFF and Planning Board appointee, Paul DiMascio, up Ridge Road to Langley Drive. Were they discussing what to do regarding the Tempel Lane project? Stay tuned.

  62. To 10:56.....I think we both know that what you allege is true, but for me to print it you're going to have to sign your name.

  63. 11:19 a.m. Possibly...but they were probably discussing what to do about Matters and DiMartino who have his ba!!s in a vice for the next seven months and are already turning the screws. There are already big issues surfacing: the cost of the WWTP upgrade and clean-up, the development of Temple Lane, water and sewer rate increases, police and DPW contracts, lawsuits, the interfund borrowing debt, the status of the currently on-going audit by OSC, etc. Busy year to say the least but he's going to have to do something he's never done before if he wants to get anything done...WORK for it!
    NO LANGLEY 2015!

  64. Hey Donny Boy, you guys looked like you were straight out of a scene from the old classic movie Deliverance. The junk truck was really funny.

    1. I'd say that Deliverance is exactly what we're after. You Machine types are going to try to hold on to your graft and corruption, but you're toast. We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more.

    2. Smells like fear coming from 5:44...just like the movie this group is going to make history! Besides truly saving East Greenbush, one of the greatest feats would be getting rid of the adolescent behavior from peopke like 5:44 that bring nothing but shame and embarrassment to our town.

    3. Hmmm....Deliverance the movie debuted in 1972 and was based on a book released in 1970. Don's antique truck is a 1953. The movie is centered around a disastrous canoe trip and touches on some unsavory themes. What is funny here is what some people have on their minds during a Memorial Day Parade. I would much rather be like Don, honoring vets and enjoying community.

  65. Too bad Lenartz is wrapped up with DeF, he is a good guy but will get no credibility because of that association.

    Our Council needs to replace Mangold. Citizens deserve representation, not games to move their agenda forward. Will we hear from them why they aren't nominating a candidate?

    1. How about one of the candidates from the East Greenbush First slate?

    2. That's about as funny as your old junk truck Donny boy.

    3. What makes you think this board could agree on anything besides minutes and adjourning?

    4. Doesn't CDef have another family member he can appoint?

    5. 12:19 p.m. Larry is a decent sort but he is easily managed, which is why he was chosen by CDeF to run. Langley needs people he can control so enter stage left good 'ol boy Larry and CDeF's daughter's 20ish yr. old boyfriend. Talk about "games to move their agenda forward." There ya go.
      It's been well established that the empty board seat will stay empty for the rest of the year and we should all breathe a sigh of relief. This way, Langley won't have the votes he needs to damage the town any further with his chronically stupid decisions. Believe it or not, this is the only way to protect the town until the new administration arrives in January.
      JACK*TINA*TOM 2015!

    6. I like your idea, Gadfly. Why not do a trial run on a third party candidate. This would be an amazing board make up. Remember some years back when our town functioned with just three board members? I didn't hear anyone cry out to replace the two board members, who lost their council seats because of a stupid lawsuit. Legally, they were allowed to return, but McCabe and O'Brian said no.

    7. What a sour-puss, 1:55. It's got the last of the flathead V-8's, 120,000 original miles in California, I have the bill of sale from when my Dad bought it, I learned to drive in it and took my first driver's license test with it. And it will help Jack, Tina and Tom win the election and start to clean up this Town. So I can understand your lemon-mouth.

    8. 5:44: Respectfully disagree with your statement "Langley won't have the votes he needs to damage the town any further with his chronically stupid decisions."

      Langley won't have the votes if the Council puts someone in the seat who is smart and independent. Our current Council should know by now who would be effective and move forward with recommending someone. It seems that they are stalling so they can wheel and deal behind our backs. It is not about "getting the votes", it is about representation.

  66. Councilpersons to meet with Engineers:
    Two Board members, Councilperson Matters and Councilperson DiMartino, will be meeting with representatives regarding the Waste Water Treatment Plant on Wednesday, May 27 at 3:00 pm in the Court Room at 225 Columbia Turnpike, to have their questions answered regarding the construction and sludge spill.

    1. I drove by today. Work is in progress. No odor!

    2. @ 3:21 PM- I'd sure love to see a video of this meeting posted on the Town's Website for those who can't attend a meeting during the workday.
      How about it, Supervisor Langley?

    3. A video if the meeting will be made and published on Truth..

  67. 5:02 p.m. Come to the meeting tomorrow. Things stink worse than you think!

  68. Will Supervisor Langley be there? I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask him.

  69. I am almost certain Supervisor Langley will be there. The only way he wouldn't be there is if some other Town emergency required his immediate attention! Keith always enjoys meeting with the people of East Greenbush. He's just sorry CP Matters and CP DiMartino were unwilling or unable to schedule a more convenient time so that more residents would be able to attend this important meeting.

  70. @ 11:27 PM, It's unclear whether Councilpersons DiMartino and Matters will allow people from the audience to ask questions. IMHO, if they don't allow audience questions they are no better (or worse) than Supervisor Langley. After all, it's the peoples money that will be paying for this WWTP cleanup mess.
    Power to the People!!!

    1. @ 10:15 AM. I suspect that CP's Matters and Di Martino would encourage questions from residents and believe CP Matters said just that at last Wednesday's TB Meeting when she suggested this meeting be open to the public. If Supervisor Langley runs the meeting and gets to make that call, then it may not happen

    2. Mr. Cookson:
      I hope you are correct. However, CP DiMartino also said this would occur at a Special Town Board Meeting, which would have at least allowed comments from residents and which would presumably have occurred at a more convenient time for the residents who are unavailable during the traditional work day. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and many of us would like to know why?

    3. I believe that this is NOT an official Town Board meeting, but an informational meeting at which consultants/employees will be answering questions about the situation at the WWTP. I wouldn't be surprised if CP Matters clarified that at the meeting.

  71. Here's a good read on East Greenbush Truth on "How the Honeybee Spa can happen."

  72. Best wishes to Supervisor Keith Langley at tonight's Town of East Greenbush Republican Committee Meeting.

  73. Well folks I received my copy of the Rep fund raiser invitation which also is a propaganda mailer for Langley and was not at all surprised to find typos and a misspelling of County Legislator Bayly's name. Looks like the campaign staff is just as sloppy as the town staff. On second thought, the same two people make up both staffs

  74. Does anyone really think that the time scheduled is convenient for either CP Matters or CP DiMartino, I believe they both work day jobs as well.

  75. Yes, tonight's the Town of East Greenbush Republican Committee Meeting to nominate candidates for supervisor and two board seats. The nominee for supervisor will be Keith Langley but he has not as yet committed to run. Plus, KL won't be running or walking the town because he won't lower himself to going door-to-door campaigning. You can also bet he won't debate other candidates or run a competitive campaign. That's because he doesn't think he should have to run at all! He thinks he should just be the supervisor for life no matter what, and there's a lot of "what" in his past that we won't want repeated over the next four years.
    NO LANGLEY 2015!

    1. What about candidates for Town Clerk and Receiver of Taxes?

  76. Mr. Langley needs to start to realize that his friends are not his friends. Expecting people to do what you say means that he just assumes he is right and there is no room for discussion or the possibility that there is a better idea. Walt Disney built an empire on other people's talent. Bruce Springsteen credits the strength of his band with their diverse talent and notes he'd never be Bruce without them. There is a collaborative process that is foreign to Keith Langley and he is left with no one to help him build a team because their voices are muted. Keith had the potential to be a great supervisor, he just thought he could do it alone. The path to greatness is not blazed by one horse, it's a herd of stallions. Keith doesn't understand that concept and never will. He'll run because his ego is bigger than his intellect... so was Rick McCabe's.

    1. We've been saying that right along. It was very apparent at this afternoon's meeting that essential information was withheld from MAM and Deb.


  78. Well, you can't fix stupid. DeF just had to drive the bus. And he put it in the ditch. Did anyone raise the question about good governance as something to contribute to the Town? Not a chance.

    We've got a chance to clean this place up with Jack, Tina and Tom. Let's hope that the electorate is paying enough attention to follow though.

  79. Thank goodness Langley is out. Apparently, his closest confidants knew he was toast long before he did because they already have his replacement waiting in the wings to be introduced tomorrow night at the repub fundraiser. It's been way to long getting here but the verdict is finally in on Keith Langley and the vote of no confidence by the republican committee spared him a vote of no confidence by the whole town.

  80. What is everyone going to do with out Langley? I think it took the wind out of everyones sail!!!

  81. Langley was not good for the town. We will be fine without him. Replacing one machine backed politician with another dosn't change anything. East Greenbush First is the choice for change.

  82. Looking at East Greenbush First website I can't find anything about change on there boiler plate platform! What exactly do they want to change? Who will they hire? What accounting software have they looked into? What is the position on Temple lane? What is there plan for 9&20?

    1. Anonymous 8:14, What exactly has the current administration done? Or previous administrations? They had their chance to shine, now it is time for someone else to shine!!!

    2. 8:14 a.m. Thank you for the talking points of interest. Your questions will help to make their campaign platform even stronger. Please keep posting!

    3. East Greenbush FirstMay 28, 2015 at 2:08 PM

      Thank you for your interest in East Greenbush First, and your query about our campaign. We prefer that we are contacted at but in the interest of starting the dialogue, here is a brief response to your post.

      The text you refer to on is our rationale for running. We are strong advocates for open, transparent government, fiscal stability and efficient town operations. We do not believe that the past administrations have demonstrated these traits, and this is what separates us from any other candidates.

      In the future, we will publish a detailed platform including a substantial plan for the revitalization of 9 & 20, a detailed discussion of town development issues, a plan for financial recovery, and information on many other issues that face our community.

      Regarding who we will hire, we are not a political machine with jobs already promised to favored insiders. When we are elected we will solicit resumes and hire the most qualified people, regardless of their political affiliation.

      Thank you for reviewing our website. We recognize that already contains more information than any political website in the history of town politics, and we are encouraged that you, and many others, have reviewed the content and are interested in our campaign.

      We are committed to a substantive campaign focused solely on issues and debate and appreciate the opportunity to highlight our rationale for running. We encourage people to visit our website, our Facebook page, our Twitter account and to contact us if they have any other questions.

      Thank you again for your interest in East Greenbush First.

      Jack Conway, Tina Tierney, and Tom Grant

  83. That's great news!!! No Langley!!!!

    Its a shame because Keith is not a bad guy, but he got mixed up in this cesspool. As someone said earlier he had a chance to be a great supervisor, especially because he inherited a mess, but it seems as though he didn't want change.

    Even before this news the EG1st ticket already had my vote and this changes nothing. Jack, Tina, and Tom still have my vote.

  84. @8:14, The EG1st team are people who you can always ask questions and you will always receive answers, and in a respectful manner. I imagine if you were to email them your questions or concerns they would be more than willing to talk with you.

    1. The EG1st team can be contacted directly at this e-mail address:

  85. Of course I am very disappointed that Keith has chosen to not run for reelection as our Town Supervisor, but I can certainly understand his desire to spend more time with his family. I hope that one of Keith's close associates can be persuaded to run for Supervisor in order to continue the positive programs of the Langley Administration for the next four years.

  86. Lets get something straight: the committe decided to not back Keith, then he decided to bow out. The committee now wants Dan Fiacco to run, but he isn't interested in losing again, which he will, if he decides to run. Langley and anyone associated with him are done. Period

  87. Does this mean there will be no one to tell us that it is summer. Will the last comment we get from Keith going to be about "spring has sprung"? If he stops showing up can we get along with a two person board (three when Phil is there)?

  88. Dear ILL @ 12:10 p.m.,
    Your BFF, Keith, has not "chosen" to not run for re-election, the choice was made for him last night based on the preponderance of evidence that he could not possibly win again. It's nothing but ironic that 'ol Keith liked to work under his favorite cloaking device (secrecy) and now it appears that his own comrades in arms were plotting behind HIS back to bump him out. Priceless! What's really disturbing though is the on-going CDeF factor. Langley gets pink slipped but puppet master CDeF gets to stay on PLUS run his daughter's boyfriend for a board seat? This tells us that they've learned nothing and that nothing will change no matter who they run for supervisor. As long as the politically toxic CDef, Fiacco, Angelo, Mulvey, Torino, and especially Elroy Gilbert are still on the playing field, it's going to be nothing but business as usual, Langley or not. So nobody's fooled by giving Langley the boot, guys, because no matter who runs for the old machine parties (Dem, Rep) nothing will change in East Greenbush until we elect the third party alternative EG 1st candidates.
    We've tried the REST, now let's try the BEST!

  89. @ 12:38 PM- Do you know what's going on with former Deputy Supervisor, Mile Poorman?

    1. 1:29 this is not 12:38 but I know that Mike Poorman wants the job; he's made no secret of it. He said he will primary for it if he has to. He was, therefore, probably instrumental in bumping Langley out. Langley said all along he wouldn't work to get re-elected; he wanted it handed to him on a silver platter (lol!) or not at all.
      The name of the person chosen to run for supe will be announced tonite at their chips & dip fundraiser but the committee will still have to vote.

  90. Whoever gets picked by republicans at the last minute will be Hail Mary candidate and have no chance at success.

    1. They will be more like "hail DeFruscio" candidates.

  91. the putz will be history; AMEN! Once and for all; there is a GOD.

  92. I will not be supporting any candidate for any office who is supported by Chris DeFruscio. It's as simple as that for my family and me. Thank you.
