Monday, November 2, 2015

We Need A Clean Break -- Two

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

                                                                                       ----- Albert Einstein      

 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

                                                                                       ----- George Santayana, 1905


If you’ve been watching East Greenbush Town government for any length of time, it should be clear to you that the two major political “machines” are pretty much interchangeable.  One got us in a financial mess, and the other one didn’t do anything about it.  The main reason for that is that what passes for “policy” is primarily driven by the politics involved – taking care of the insiders who call the shots from behind the curtain.  That’s how all the mischief took place on Thompson Hill -  the illegal Plat approval, the “duplex” with 4 front doors, the road paved with transferred amenities money by the Supervisors former employer without a bid, and finally the casino stuff complete with zoning manipulations. 

Before that series of episodes, the interfund debt was created by non-management and internal controls that permitted illegal stipends, unlawful longevity and incentive payments and even ineligible persons being put on the Town’s medical benefit plan. 

The last three reports by the Office of State Comptroller are repleat with long lists of findings and recommendations addressing the problems facing the Town.  There’s another report in preparation which I’m sure will have the same messages.  Neither administration backed by its respective machine has made any effort to address and implement these recommendations.  It’s just not in their “interest.” 

So to expect any different outcome from either Republicans or Democrats by electing either on November 3rd is simply – Insanity. 

We need a clean break from the past, and a future delivered by a Supervisor and Board who chose to be free of the “strings”  held by the old insiders.  Vote East Greenbush First!!!  Jack Conway, Tina Tierney and Tom Grant. 


  1. All we can do now is hope that enough people pay attention and care enough about what's going on in local government to go out and vote tomorrow. Everyone's got complaints but too few people take the time to do what it takes to help themselves! The election results tomorrow will be a very telling time in our town's history.
    Jack, Tina, Tom on 11/3.

  2. I am not advocating a conspiracy theory. BUT...the potential for fraud with books that cannot be audited and an utterly failed bookkeeping system can not be estimated.

    McCabe and Langley are every bit as big failures as the bookkeeping system . That's no joke.

    Langley makes up stuff about accounting results that are pure fantasy.

    VOTE for Jack, Tom and Tina. Please. We need a fresh start. We need intelligent decision making. We need honesty and openness.

    We need Jack, Tom and Tina. That also is no joke.

  3. I hope that the EG1st candidates make a clean sweep tomorrow, it would be really nice to get some new faces in town hall that are not driven by a political party. The sad fact is though even if all of the EG1st candidates win they will have their work cut out for them because in order to get this town back into shape is going to take a lot of hard work. I really don't envy Jack, Tina, and Tom because even if you win (and I think you will) you actually lose, although everyone in town will actually win too.

    Good luck to all three of you!!!! I know once elected it wont be easy but you will do a great job.

  4. BEST wishes to Jack, Tina & Tom. You are the BEST candidates running. You have the BEST platform and the BEST interest for our town . Let's make East Greenbush the BEST it can be again. Go Jack ,Tina & Tom!

  5. Bullying Not Acceptable!November 3, 2015 at 12:49 PM

    While speaking about Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Chris Gibson said in an interview with WAMC's Alan Chartock, "I also think that the perception is out there that when somebody does not fully support him, that he'll hold that grudge and certainly try to even that score. And I think that is part of his personality, perceived anyway, and leaves him vulnerable."
    Gibson's description of Cuomo would also apply just as well to Keith Langley in that when somebody does not fully support him, he holds a grudge and will certainly try to even that score. This seems to be a sign of a new breed of politician in America. It used to be that politicians smiled, shook hands, back slapped, engaged in conversation, and kissed babies to get votes. Now, when all else fails, the default is to bully your opponent into submission. How can we deal with the subject of bullying in our schools when adults at all levels of society are doing the same thing to one another right out in the open? It's critical today to send the very important message that this kind of behavior, especially from public officials who are held to a higher standard, will not be tolerated. Please send that message today by voting for Jack, Tina and Tom on Row I of your ballot.
    Thank you.

  6. Anybody have any idea about voter turnout? Weak? Strong?

  7. Times Union has an article that mentions the strong turnout in East Greenbush...

  8. Get out and vote and give Jack, Tina and Tom a landslide!!!

  9. Turn out high at Holy Spirit. We had to wait in line to vote. All voting booths full. Cars kept coming. Go, East Greenbush, go!

  10. We take the town back from the political players, or it's political "nuclear winter."

  11. I have been checking but nothing yet try

    I am totally rooting for EG 1st we need the honesty and change

    1. Won't be any results there until they shut down the machines at 9:00PM.

  12. yea yea yea think those numbers that were on the petition or real now voters do care

  13. EG1st won in a landslide. Now the work begins.

  14. Keith Langley fired. Last day 12/31/15. Thank you East Greenbush!

  15. Congratulations, that's wonderful news! Something good has finally happened.

  16. Frankly, I wish Ray Mooney was still here to savor the victory. I think the Town has turned a corner in cleaning up the mischief. It's been a long battle, and I'm pleased. Now to the battlements!!

  17. Gadfly: that is very kind of you. But I have been there. In spirit. I am SO deeply and intensely proud of Jack, Tom, Tina and their supporters. I am so happy for the people of East Greenbush. I am honored to have been a small part of the reform movement. I am deeply honored to have known people like you, Dwight, Jack and so many, many others.

    My heart is soaring!

    1. Hi Ray, thank you for standing strong on behalf of East Greenbush. Well wishes to you and your family.

  18. I'd say that people like Feathers and the boys who conspired with him should think twice before trying to con ordinary citizens again. Enough already.

  19. Congratulations! And excellent editorial! East Greenbush 1st and all residents of " our" town are the greatest! We all took back "our town"!

  20. today is the beginning of a new East Greenbush. So proud of our residents for once again showing their strength and their voice.

  21. THIS is what is so great about America. Ordinary people functioning in extraordinary ways. Thank you, East Greenbush! Deb and I asked you for help and you answered the call. It's a new and wonderful day in our town. The sun is shining. The future is bright.
    Mary Ann Matters

    1. To CP Matters... Will you be supporting the new Recovery Room Bar to be constructed directly across the street from the previous Casino location. This establishment with have electronic numbers gambling, and be serving alcohol. Sounds like a mini Casino wouldn't you say?

    2. Sure sounds like a wisecrack to me. What you're referring to is the same stuff as Jimmy Casey's. Right?

  22. Respect and order must return to the TB Meetings. Please have a plan on how to deal with bullies who disrupt TB Meetings. My appreciation to Jack, Tina and Tom for opening up dialogue to future TB Meeings.

  23. Bonnie, the supervisor is the presider over the meeting but don't expect any change until January, that's for sure. Jack will ensure order, no bullying, and respectful discourse in all public meetings. He won't stand for the disruption Langley not only allowed but enjoyed.
